Couple Therapy
We are social beings and wired to be attached: we simply do better physically and psychologically when we are in intimate pairs. Studies have shown that when we are distressed in our attachments, we experience something akin to physical pain. How do we cope with that? We compensate – by seeking attention and engaging our partners in some way OR by shutting down to avoid making things even worse. Learning new communication tools, new ways of “dancing” in our relationship, ultimately does not heal pain or past misunderstandings – it doesn’t change the “music” we’re dancing to. Instead, my work with you as your EFT couple therapist will be to create safety so you can access and share the emotions you are dancing to and that are contributing to your distress. This allows you and your partner to understand one another at a deeper level (hear the music) and work towards a more secure and loving relationship (change the music and then dance different steps).
“Owning our own story can be hard, but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy.”
Brene Brown